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I really liked the original game too! Hope to see this version get completed =)

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!


Really cool to see someone recreate this game with their own spin to it. Combat was snappy and felt so much more fluent to play, the new areas definitely spruced up the old floors and the music in Area B2 felt like it captured the spirit of the original. Just so I don't seem super biased, I will give some critique! It felt like there was a lack of air control when jumping, though this may be intentional, so I'll def cut it some slack. A few areas looked a bit dark, mostly due to the torch being dim, and I'd suggest to tone down the reflective materials on objects by giving them some roughness.

Nonetheless, I'm really digging the direction this game is going! Good luck to the dev(s), looking forward to seeing how this project turns out.


Thanks a lot! I'll look into those issues.